6) You've stated in the past that the placement of islands throughout the subterranean universe is not a coincidence and does, in fact, have some significance. Does the placement of the islands have anything to do with Mata Nui's health and well being (like the Matoran working in Metru Nui)?
6) I think you could reasonably make that argument
Не знаю, как это стоит перевести и воспринять... ну, и тороплюсь.
7a) If so, I'll give it a go: it's been confirmed to be something related to the BoM; something capable of being used as blackmail (I believe); something useful back in the subterranean world; and something possibly related to which Barraki betrayed the others (not 100% sure about that one, actually). So, is the object a tablet explaining that the one who posesses it is an ally of the BoM because he helped in the downfall (or betrayal?) of the Barraki, and should not be harmed by the BoM? Slightly wild guess, I suppose, depends on what the answer to #6 is...
7) You are about as warm as warm can be
4) And finally, here's a more refined guess on Mantax's Object: Is it a contract drawn up between someone (not neccesarily the Barraki) and the BoM stating that that someone helped the BoM accomplish the defeat of the Barraki and is therefore an ally (or just not an enemy) of the Brotherhood?
4) Pretty much nailed it
- "Мир, поддерживающий мир" производит стихийную энергию типа для всего мира.
- Матораны Света могут по желанию изменять расцветку (ну, Такуа)
- Тоа Нуи - это, типа, легенда
- Странно - написано, что смерть ВД - не ГЛАВНЫЙ момент в книге. Не впилил...